Thursday, 12 March 2020

News And Trends In Civil Construction For 2020

Although it was the last sector to show growth after a long period of casualties, in 2018 civil construction showed considerable signs of recovery.
As a result, market fears were replaced by the resumption of investments, which are again the bet of many companies in this field.  
Thus, in order for you to stand out from the competition and find smart and economical ways to offer your services, keeping an eye on trends in construction is essential.
In this article, we will address some trends in the construction market for this year. It is worth knowing and using this knowledge as a differential for your business.


According to the Brazilian Chamber of Industry and Construction (CBIC), in 2018 there was a 30% increase in the launch of residential developments in the country, and a 23% increase in property sales in general.
The reason for this growth was mainly due to the country's economic reality, which stopped being negative and remained stable during the year.
According to projections made by the GetĂșlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) for the year 2020, there will be an increase of 1.3% in the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a value that may mean the resumption of growth in Brazil, including civil construction .
Ideally, companies should start preparing for this growth, understanding the economic moment and trends in civil construction. Thus, they will be able to make the most of this opportunity.


As in other sectors of the industry, civil construction is currently experiencing a moment of technological revolution aimed at significant improvements in innovative and increasingly intelligent buildings.
The trend is that the use of technology on the construction site is increasingly present, from the handling of machines and equipment, to project management, as we will see below.


The Internet of Things IoT ( Internet of Things, IoT) is the integration of technology with electronic equipment, they are connected through sensors and technologies with internet connection, offering security and practicality.
Therefore, the internet of things is an explicit reality in our daily lives, just look at personal electronic devices, cars, TV etc.
As in other sectors, the presence of technology is essential to perform tasks efficiently and economically. In civil construction, this technology has also integrated tasks, and the use of IoT is part of the daily life of many companies or is the desire of so many others.
It is already a reality at construction sites that machines connected to a tablet or cell phone provide performance diagnostics and data collection for sharing. 


Like most of the technology we have today, initially, drones were for military use. These unmanned aerial vehicles were used for monitoring and army operations.
It did not take long for this vehicle to be used for many other purposes, and today it is one of the trends in civil construction.
Drones can be used to capture terrain images with greater precision, for the elaboration of 3D projects and animations, and the topographic measurement of difficult to access terrains.


With the presence of technology in civil construction, there is a very promising and competitive market, construction management software.
With these programs it is possible to manage a project in a practical way, such as input control, project management, 3D animations and diagnostics.


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